Have you heard about NBC’s new A.D. TV series? Jesus’ death and resurrection changed the world – but it’s just the beginning of the story! Starting EASTER SUNDAY at Perth-Andover Baptist Church at 11:00am, dive deeper into the stories from A.D. with a 12-week inspiring sermon series.
Sunday mornings Pastor Michael will share a message from the book of Acts, including a video clip from the A.D. program that will air later that night. On Sunday evening, sit down and watch what you’ve already learned unfold on your TV screen!
For those who don’t have NBC but still want to watch the series, some of our church members will be opening their homes on Sunday nights for “viewing parties” so you can still get in on the action!
While we can’t speak to the Biblical accuracy of the program (since we haven’t seen it yet), if it follows in the footsteps of The Bible series it should be quite excellent – surprisingly true to Scripture while obviously taking some artistic license, very true to the historical realities of the time period, and exceptionally entertaining as a high-quality TV show. We’re excited about it and hope you will be too. What a great opportunity to come back to church, or to invite a friend or family member along with you. We are praying that God will use this TV series and sermon series to transform lives!
Sundays during our 11:00am service. Starting EASTER SUNDAY.