180th Anniversary Celebration

This March our Church turns 180 years old. As the oldest Baptist congregation in Northwestern NB, we decided to celebrate with a special service and activities on Sunday, March 25th. 

We would love to have you join us on March 25th, starting at 11:00am with our Celebration Service.

Featuring Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. Malcolm Card. Malcolm was the pastor of our church back in the 1960s, since then, he has served in various churches, as well as on the mission field, and recently as a professor at Crandall University.

The service will feature Old-Fashioned Music….  with a little of what’s new, too!

For fun, you’re encouraged to come dressed in period costume from the 1800s. We’ll take a group photo.

Traditional lunch to follow in Church basement: Baked Beans, Scalloped Potatoes, Brown Bread, etc.

Following lunch: you’re also invited to our “Lothrop Hammond Winter Fun Day” at Sadler’s Cottage: NE of Arthurette on the 390.

180 years ago a group of Baptists, meeting in a home in Andover, invited Rev. Lothrop Hammond to come and be their Pastor. In March of 1832, Hammond accepted the call, and walked up-river 85 miles on snowshoe to join them. Later that year, they officially organized as the Andover Baptist Church.