The Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor 10:31 “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” That means that, as a Christian, all areas of my life should honor Him. That includes my online life.
Month: May 2012
Building Committee Survey#1
Click here to open the Building Committee Survey To Print the page after it opens, go to File > Print
New Temporary Location
May 13, 2012 – We are excited to announce that our Church has moved back to our community of Perth-Andover after seven enjoyable weeks of meeting with Aroostook Baptist. Our new (temporary) home is the new Andover Elementary School gym.
Rediscover the BASICs of Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Small Groups are underway at PABC right now, as groups are studying “Basic: Who is God”. This 7 week DVD study featuring the teaching of Francis Chan challenges us to Fear God, Follow Jesus, and get to know Holy Spirit.